I wanted to buy a few things to make the place seem more like home, and I also needed to get all of the basic necessities for living, like laundry detergent and food. I desperately needed hangers as well so that I could fully unpack.
I spent a fair amount of money today at Target and Safeway (I recommend the West Seattle Safeway), but I really feel like the apartment is all set now. It feels good! It's amazing what a few placemats, lamps and throw blankets can do. :)
After I came home (!) and unpacked my loot from my shopping trip, I decided to head over a block and hit up the Pike's Pla
ce Market to see if I could find some produce and flowers. I scored on both counts...the giant bouquet in the picture of my dining area was only $10. Seriously.
I am including a few pictures from my foray into the market - there were so many people there, and it made it difficult to even walk, much less take pictures, so sorry there aren't that many, Beth! I took one picture of a crepe sign to show Amanda that it looks like I can get good crepes here in Seattle. :)
By the way, I passed this store today - apparently I belong here and this sign is telling me (or my former self) to shop here!
Tomorrow's plan is to head up to St. James Cathedral, which is about three quarters of a mile away. The weather tomorrow morning is supposed to be clear, so I think I am going to walk. Check out my route. The cathedral is only about a block away from my office, so this will be a good way to see how long it would take me to walk to work if I wanted to. I'm going to find a place to eat brunch after Mass, and bring my Kindle so I don't feel weird eating alone!
In the afternoon, or maybe on Monday, I am thinking of taking a Seattle tour, and getting the lay of the land. We'll see - stay tuned!
Your improvements make a huge difference in making your digs feel more welcoming and warm. Accessorize is the key word here-lol. Your kitchen isn't as galley as I thought but not a cook's dream either. For temp it's pretty dang nice. Have a great Sunday. Love you-Mom
St James is fifty years younger than GA but I like the doors and the organ looks cool. Keep us posted on the choir and what you think. Might be a trek if you live in Kent and have choir practice twice a week during xmas season.
Hey lady! Thanks for the pic- I expect you to visit that place when you get a chance. :) Take care and talk to you soon!
Nice job - you can learn to park. You really can! Love you.
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