So on Sunday, I had my first Mass as part of the Cathedral Choir. It was awesome. Everything about it was pretty much perfect...I felt like I fit in, the music we made was literally divine, and it started off my second week in Seattle very well. The choir is going to be a time commitment each week, with a 2-3 hour rehearsal on Thursday nights, and 2-3 hours every Sunday for Mass, plus some additional rehearsals and Masses for special occasions, like Easter and Christmas. (Sorry to my favorite Jewish friend, for some reason we don't sing on Hannukah (sp?) or Pesach. I'm not sure why. We are singing a lot of Mendelssohn though, which sort of balances it out.)
After Mass, I decided to explore a little bit in the northern part of Seattle. The furthest north I had been in the city was downtown...that's not very far north! I drove up to Northgate (hit up Target, found a mall and Best Buy if I want them) and then around to the University Village (I went to Chipotle for odd thing about downtown - there don't seem to be any chain restaurants that I am used to at all down's weird.) While in UVillage, I also spotted a PetCo (prodigious!) and I picked up all the kitty stuff I will need for when Ninja is here next Sunday. Yay for the kitty coming to Seattle! I am a bit worried about her flying...I need to pick up the medicine to make her sleepy and less anxious on the trip.
Why does Samantha = smart? (Well, other than the obvious...) I explored on Sunday without much help from my navigation unit! And I did well!! (Woohoo for me.)
I made peanut butter cookies tonight, and will bring those into work tomorrow. I ate about a million cookies, and now my stomach feels yucky. Serves me right. Now I am watching 90210 - because clearly I need culture. :)
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10 months ago
Ah, high school years...or was that middle school? Whatever. :)
yea for exploring! and yea for Ninja coming to live with you!!! Oh one more yea for Chipotle!!! about the Hanukkah and Passover songs, there generally not so good. There are some good ones for the Jewish New Year maybe you should speak to the director about that.
Also, thanks so much for the awesome cookies!!! I loved them but even more then that I loved the thought behind them. Thanks to you Trav and Ninja.
Hey lady- glad your navigation went well. Was traffic crazy?
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