Sorry for bad blogging of late! With houseguests and traveling and a really busy time at work, I haven't been able to find a lot of time to blog. Here are some updates of what's been going on in my life lately.
Easter and family visit
I already posted pictures of Easter Sunday, but I didn't say much about the family being here. Let me tell you, it was awesome!! Mom, Mary and Jessie were here for the whole week, and I took a couple of those days off of work. On my days off, we explored downtown Kent, visiting all of the little shops. We went to a used bookstore, Chair and Trellis (I got some more stuff to decorate the Hensch house), some fun local lunch places and more. It was lots of fun. When I had to work, Mom, Mary and Jessie visited downtown Seattle (including the Seattle Mystery Bookshop), did a boat cruise on Lake Washington and checked out Fremont (where they saw the Troll). On Friday, I took a half day, and we really enjoyed Tacoma. We went to the Tacoma Glass Museum - Chihuly is incredible, and had dinner at Katie Downs. Yum!
Fargo trip
I went to Fargo last weekend for the Fargo MS Walk - the whole family was there, and it was so much fun! I would post pictures, but they were taken on other people's cameras, so I don't have any yet. It was really great to stay with Amanda and Blair (even though their cat Smoky wants to kill least Faye likes me) - they were wonderful hosts. While in Fargo, we picked out our bridesmaid dresses for Lisa and Beth's wedding. (Oh yeah, have I mentioned that they are getting married in September?! Sweet!!!) I like my dress, now I just need to get shoes and get it hemmed.
American Idol and Dancing with the Stars
Yep, I love these two shows. I have been watching nearly every week, and here are my predictions. I think Adam or dark horse Kris will win American Idol, and I think Gilles/Cheryl will win Dancing with the Stars. In case you cared. :) Who do you think will win??
I'm making pulled pork tomorrow for the first time ever, I will keep you posted on how it goes.
Well, that's all I have for the moment. I will try to be better about blogging this month - if nothing else, I will have to give reviews of the awesome-looking summer movies coming out...we're seeing Wolverine tonight!
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10 months ago
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