I'll be in Minnesota for the weekend of February 28-March 1! Why, you ask? Other than I desperately miss my family, I am also bringing a new little family member back to my parents.
No. I am not preggers. (Lisa, I am telling you that on MySpace someday. If our MySpace accounts are still active then...it may need to change to Facebook.)
I am bringing the kitty I rescued back to Mama Bear!! I took Pirate to the vet tonight, and it got a clean bill of health and a bunch of vaccines. It's officially a girl, and other than being on the skinny side, the vet said she was just fine. Travis is now miffed with me because I have let it into the house (only into one of the three bathrooms in the house!) until next Friday night, when I take the red eye to MN.
Who knows, Travis may relegate it to the garage again...but at least it won't go to the out outside...I picked up a cheap litter box for Pirate, and technically, we would put that in the garage and keep the garage door all the way closed.
But for now, Pirate is living in STYLE.
PS. I personally vote for the Pirate name to stay. Though Aunt Sandy did come up with a cute name with Abby. Luna, you always have good names - any ideas???
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10 months ago
I like the Pirate & Ninja thing! And I'm glad she's found a home.
If you're looking for creative names, though, it's CW, not me, who's the name genius. I'll check and see if he has any suggestions.
I can't wait until you get here!! Dad even said that Pirate looks like Labby and commented on your living in style verbiage. He is a-ok with this so Trav is not on the s list for sending the disclaimer (only kidding Trav). I am reserving a decision on the name until I see her and have a better feel for her personality. But you know you have a winner when even the vet says she's a real sweetie and has never seen her or you Samantha. Still laughing at her hissing and purring at the same time when she got her temp taken. Amanda said she will try to be here when you come. She votes for chicken and rice-so your vote is next. Love you-Mama Bear
Clearly, I always vote for chicken and rice. It's the best.
CW didn't come up with any creative names. :(
I was trying to think of something literary like Bronte. But that was as far as I got.
Would you have time to get together for lunch while you're in town? We could even cook! ;-)
Yay! I am so glad that the sweet kitten found a new home with a wonderful family. I bet she never knew that seeking refuge in your garage would land her a wonderful new home in Minnesota!!! I can't wait to meet her :)
Kristin M.
I plan on going down to the Cities this weekend. See you soon!
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