The kitty seems really friendly and comes right up to us and meows pitifully at us. It's clearly starving; when you pet it, you can feel all the ribs of the poor thing. It seems to me like it was somebody's pet...its fur is pretty thick, and it's pretty clean overall. It also seems to really like being around people. We set up a little towel bed next to the furnace in the garage so it could stay warm, and gave it some food and water (which it CLEARLY had tried to get in our garbage last night before we discovered it really was sticking around our garage.) Now that it has been fed, and has a little bed out of the cold rain, it's a very purr-y kitty!
We don't intend on keeping this cat, even as an outdoor cat (though I did give it a nickname...Pirate!) - I will have to call the Humane Society this week to figure out what to do in this situation. I wonder if it is microchipped. It doesn't have tags, but like I said, it seems like it at least was someone's pet at some time. I REALLY hope that someone didn't just get sick of having this sweet kitty and toss it outside, but in all likelihood, that's probably what happened. :(
Anyways, here are a bunch of pictures of the cat. If you know whose cat this is, please email me at (Who knows, someone might find this blog post because they were searching for their lost cat near Kent, WA!)
Awwwww! Sweet kitty!
I wish we could have another kitty, but like you we're a one-kitty household. But it's so hard to remain firm in my convictions when I see cute little kitties who need homes. I hope Pirate's owners show up. (Although having Pirate and Ninja kitties would be AWESOME!)
I think you need Ninja AND Pirate. Really.
I agree with Lisa. I think this cat chose you two. Really. :)
Travis would kill me. This cat would have to live outside, which would make me sad and worry about it getting hit by a car. :(
Well, I know this cat is Labby. Even Samantha said the same and agrees with me. Barring feline leukemia positive, Pirate will be flown home when Samantha comes and we will be back to full capacity in the Schmid household. Unless a terribly distressed and happy pet owner shows up Samantha will take her (pretty sure Samantha thinks she)to the vet to have the fl test and if that is good a mini blood panel and whatever shots she will need to travel. She may have to have a flea dip if the vet discovers fleas, but my gut feeling says she will get a clean bill of health other than too thin and possibly a kidney infection from being outside w/out fresh water. Hopefully just thin. The hair on my arms stood up when Samantha texted she had found a cat. I knew before I saw the pics and when I saw the pics I confirmed it. Still have goose bumps. Guess Gabby came by today to see if she might like Pirate to adopt and she was no where to be found. Samantha was sad and worried but when I called she looked and called Pirate again and she came almost immediately. Now if that isn't like Labby I don't know what is!! I had promised dad I would not go looking for a cat but that if Labby came back to our door that I would take him. Well, it is a little more convoluted-but Labby came to you girls first so no surprise really. Some things you just know and this is one.
AWESOME! Go, go, Mama Bear! :)
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