Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas decorations! (plus the Thanksgiving table)

Here's what the dining room table looked like for Thanksgiving dinner: My friend Katie came over today and helped me decorate the house for Christmas, and it was awesome! She's so good at this kind of thing - check out what she did to the table!
Isn't this centerpiece she came up with just awesome?
I love my chargers. I have red and green ones, so where there is a green charger, we used a red votive, and vice versa.
Mistletoe! And check out that bannister...

We did an ornament decoration thing in the bowl in the window next to the front door. It turned out cool!
The bannister really turned out great - we did garland, lights, snowflakes, ornaments and bows. It sounds like a lot, but it looks good.
This is a closeup of the bannister trimmings.
The tree! I did most of the tree myself - Travis hung a few ornaments on it with me last night, and I did the rest this morning. The lights are multicolored, but they do all sorts of cool things, and in this pic, only the yellow lights are on. Rest assured, there are more colors, and more lights than this picture shows!
I had to move the clock table to the other side of the living room so that I could put the tree up. I decided to put my Advent wreath on that table.
My Notre Dame snowman snow globe makes it annual appearance, and this year, it made some other snowman friends!

We also did lights and garland on the outside door - the house looks really nice from the street, because we have the door decorated, then you can see the Christmas tree in the front window, and the bannister in the background.

Thanks so much to Katie for helping me - it was really fun, and I am really happy with how the house turned out. Now I just need to go vacuum up the little green needles, and get a big wreath, and we should be all set!



Mama Bear said...

Wow-the house looks awesome. I thought I did good getting mine clean for Thanksgiving and you have yours decorated for Christmas already. Love it!! You and Katie did an awesome job. Think you two could make a Mn run to do mine now?! Love you.

Schmiddy said...

Everything looks great! Nice work!